Installations, Still and Moving images
October 16-20, 2024

Alex Reynolds
by Luis Adelantado

The Artist

At OFFSCREEN, Alex Reynolds presents “Peel” (2022), a video installation.Two hands belonging to different bodies negotiate their movements in the almost erotic act of peeling an orange. In a fixed shot that refers to the conventions of baroque still life, this eminently tactile footage captures the conversation between the fingers and the pulpy body they peel. Reynolds’ artistic practice revolves around a constant exploration of our modes of relating and affection through multiple registers and formats, especially in the way as these are manifested through the language of film.

Reynolds’ work has been exhibited in prominent contemporary art museums, galleries and festivals internationally such as Guggenheim Museum Bilbao, Index Foundation, Stockholm, Hollybush Gardens,London, Joan Miró Foundation, Barcelona, CaiXa Forum, Barcelona, and others.

The Gallery

Opened in 1985 and currently managed by Olga Adelantado, the gallery has been focused right from the start on promoting and disseminating contemporary art. Over the years it has represented and exhibited work by a wide spectrum of national and international artists, renown and emerging. The main purpose of the gallery is to further build on a dynamic, eclectic program focusing on establishing new relationships between artists, disciplines, and other players in the sector.
